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Why chose just one of our bantam breeds when you can have the option of getting them all!
This assortment is filled with breeds that lay blue to green eggs!
This collection of breeds is known to be cold hardy, so if you live in an area where the winters can be harsher. This assortment is perfect for you.
Calling all lovers of funky feathered chickens, this assortment is for you!
This assortment of game birds represents some of the rarest examples of game fowl that have been bred for centuries.
Being Floridians, hot and humid temperatures are very familiar to us. Check out this page to view what breeds that we consider to handle both with stride.
Landraces are truly one of a kind. Their histories are always interesting, their appearances vary greatly, and they are generally very hardy.
For those looking exclusively for intriguing colors to fill your cartons with, we have put together an assortment of breeds that will give you a rainbow of color each time you collect eggs.
A random assortment of breeds for those of you who want a variety of birds in your flock or who just love a surprise!
Who doesn't want a chicken that looks like a Dalmatian with a Mohawk? With this assortment, you will get a variety of our different colored Spitzhauben.
We have created the perfect assortment of some of our best-selling table breeds.
Having trouble deciding on what breeds to add to your flock? Well, this assortment allows you to get our most popular breeds of 2023!